Monday, August 31, 2009

In the beginning...

I am a FruitFly.

I love that part of my life.

I am not the kind of fruitfly that you find floating in your glass of red wine or the kind that rises up in clouds from your compost or rotting fruit on your kitchen counter. No, I am a human Fly. By definitions around the web I am a girl, woman, female who is straight (sexual preference) and includes/prefers the company of gay men over and above straight men..  Also by definitions I am most comfortable with my gay men friends because I find them more interesting, easier to be with, comforting, accepting, less up-tight, and bigger fans OF ME as a whole person than my straight friends.

I am a married woman, married to a man. We are pretty happy after 20 years but when I am the most in need of comfort or a good laugh, you bet I seek out one or more of "The Boys". You see The Boys have been in my life for much longer than my husband has been. O.K., so you are getting a sense of my age, keep counting. The Boys and I have been through so much more than (let's call him Kevin) Kevin, my husband and I have. Me and The Boys have been through so many loves, laughts, tears, deaths, illness, new houses, new places to travel to, new wines to taste, new diets to try, new places to walk, new movies to see, new songs to sing and old songs to sing and new clothes to show off.

Kevin and I have shared a romance with all of its ups and downs, vacations, a kidless life, the loss of his parents and our retirements! However, unfortunately the laughter, the excitement, the parties, the travel, oh my god the conversations, particularly conversations tends to fade quickly in the world of straight relationships, so I, personally, am left counting on my friends to lift me out of the CNN dominated days, the Sport Channel dominated nights, and the begrudged grunting called conversation.

Of all the men who have come into and gone from my life, I love my gay men friends the best.

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